Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beijing 50 billion set up animation "national team"

Old place new dreams. Beijing Shijingshan District, between the West Fourth Ring Road and West Fifth Ring, who sits Shougang. Shougang has been the pride of Peking Man, and now it has moved to Tangshan.濡備粖锛岃繖鍧楀湴鏂规壙杞界潃鍖椾含浜虹殑鏂版ⅵ鎯筹細鎵撻?涓?敮涓浗鍔ㄦ极浜т笟鍥藉闃熴?

銆??10鏈?4鏃ワ紝涓浗鍔ㄦ极娓告垙鍩庡湪棣栭挗鏈虹數鏈夐檺鍏徃閲嶅瀷鏈哄櫒鍒嗗叕鍙告棫鍧?惎鍔ㄥ缓璁撅紝鍖椾含甯傝绔嬩笓椤硅祫閲戯紝姣忓勾鎶曡祫1浜垮厓杩涜鎵舵寔銆傝繖鏄嚜浠婂勾7鏈堟枃鍖栭儴棰佸竷銆婃枃鍖栦骇涓氭尟鍏磋鍒掋?浠ユ潵锛屾枃鍖栦骇涓氭渶澶ц妯$殑涓?琛屽姩銆?br />
銆??鍖椾含甯傛斂搴滆鍒掞紝灏嗚繖閲屾墦閫犳垚涓浗鑷繁鐨勫姩婕ソ鑾卞潪鍜屽姩婕开鏂凹涔愬洯銆?br />
銆??璁拌?閲囪鑾锋倝锛屼腑鍥藉姩婕煄琚垪鍏ュ浗瀹跺彂鏀瑰鍥藉閲嶅ぇ鏂囧寲浜т笟椤圭洰锛屾斂搴滃皢閫氳繃璐㈡斂鐩存帴鎶曡祫锛岀ぞ浼氳瀺璧勭瓑澶氱鏂瑰紡绛归泦璧勯噾500浜垮厓锛岀敤浜庡彂灞曚腑鍥藉姩婕煄銆?br />

銆??鍖椾含甯傛斂搴滃壇绉樹功闀夸警鐜夊叞浠嬬粛锛屼腑鍥藉姩婕父鎴忓煄瀹氫綅涓洪泦鍔ㄦ极鍒涗綔銆佺敓浜с?浜ゆ槗浜庝竴浣撶殑浜т笟鍥尯銆傚寳浜競鏀垮簻灏嗗湪璐㈡斂銆佺◣鏀躲?鍩虹璁炬柦寤鸿銆佸湡鍦板紑鍙戙?閲戣瀺鏀寔銆佸惛寮曚笓涓氫汉鎵嶇瓑鏂归潰缁欎簣浼樻儬鏀跨瓥銆?br />
銆??棣栭挗鏈虹數鏈夐檺鍏徃閲嶅瀷鏈哄櫒鍒嗗叕鍙告棫鍧?崰鍦?3鍏》锛屽洯鍖烘?寤虹瓚瑙勬ā120涓囧钩鏂圭背銆傚缓璁句腑鍥藉姩婕父鎴忓煄鍚庯紝灏嗕繚鐣欏拰鍐嶅埄鐢ㄧ殑宸ヤ笟鐗硅壊寤虹瓚鐗╃害20涓囧钩鏂圭背锛岄厤濂楃敤浣忓畢20涓囧钩鏂圭背锛屽舰鎴愪富棰樺叕鍥?娴侀?璐告槗銆佷骇瀛︾爺瀛靛寲銆佸叕鍏卞晢鍔℃湇鍔°?鏁板瓧鍖栧姙鍏拰閰掑簵銆佷綇瀹呭強鐢熸椿閰嶅鏈嶅姟绛?涓姛鑳藉尯銆?br />
銆??璁拌?浜嗚В鍒帮紝鍗虫棩璧烽閽㈠厛鏈熷惎鍔ㄥ紑鍙戝缓璁撅紝鎷熻鍒?5涓囧钩鏂圭背宸ヤ笟鐗硅壊鏃у巶鎴挎敼閫犲拰杩囨浮鍩虹璁炬柦寤鸿锛屽苟鐜囧厛灏嗗崰鍦?600骞虫柟绫炽?楂?7绫崇殑閾搁挗娓呯悊杞﹂棿锛屾敼閫犳垚寤虹瓚闈㈢Н1.49涓囧钩鏂圭背鐨勫姙鍏?浼氬睍鍜屽晢涓氬尯銆?br />


銆??鍔ㄦ极鈥滃浗瀹堕槦鈥?br />

銆??浠庢洿骞挎硾鍙戝睍灞傞潰鏉ョ湅锛屼腑鍥界粡娴庡揩閫熷彂灞曪紝涔熶績杩涘鏂囧寲浜т笟鐨勯渶姹傘?2008骞达紝涓浗浜哄潎GDP宸茬粡绐佺牬3000缇庡厓澶у叧锛屾洿鏄揪鍒颁簡鏂囧寲浜т笟鐖嗗彂鐨勪复鐣岀偣銆傝繖浣垮緱涓浗鏀垮簻鍦ㄧ户鎵舵寔绾虹粐銆佽交宸ョ瓑浜т笟涔嬪悗锛屼笉閬椾綑鍔涘湴鎵舵寔鏂囧寲浜т笟銆?br />
銆??浠婂勾7鏈堬紝鍥藉姟闄㈠父鍔′細璁?杩囦簡銆婃枃鍖栦骇涓氭尟鍏磋鍒掋?锛屾彁鍑轰簡鍏」閲嶇偣宸ヤ綔銆傚叾涓寘鎷細鍔犲揩鎺ㄨ繘鍏锋湁閲嶅ぇ绀鸿寖鏁堝簲鍜屼骇涓氭媺鍔ㄤ綔鐢ㄧ殑閲嶅ぇ椤圭洰;缁熺瑙勫垝锛屽姞蹇缓璁句竴鎵逛骇涓氱ず鑼冨熀鍦帮紝鍙戝睍鍏锋湁鍦板煙鍜屾皯鏃忕壒鑹茬殑鏂囧寲浜т笟缇ょ瓑鎺柦銆?br />
銆??涓浗鍔ㄦ极娓告垙鍩庢垚绔嬶紝鎰忓湪浠モ?鍩哄湴+浼佷笟闆嗙兢鈥濈殑妯″紡鎵撻?涓浗鍔ㄦ极浜т笟鍥藉闃燂紝鏃犵枒鍏锋湁鈥滅ず鑼冩晥搴斺?銆?br />

銆??姝ゅ锛屾枃鍖栭儴杩樺皢鑱樿鍥藉唴澶栬憲鍚嶅姩婕笓瀹讹紝瀵瑰洯鍖轰紒涓氬憳宸ヨ繘琛屽煿璁?姝ゅ锛屽洯鍖鸿繕灏嗕妇琛屽悇绫昏瘎濂栬禌浜嬫椿鍔紝涓?柟闈㈠鑾峰浼佷笟鍙婁釜浜鸿繘琛屽鍔憋紝鍙︿竴鏂归潰涔熷彲浠ュ皢浼樼浣滃搧鎺ㄨ崘缁欏紑鍙戝晢銆?br />

銆??璁拌?閲囪鑾锋倝锛岀綉鏄撱?宸ㄤ汉銆佽吘璁瓑鐭ュ悕浼佷笟閮藉凡鍒楀叆鍔ㄦ极娓告垙鍩庣殑鎷涘晢璁″垝涔嬩腑銆傚湪涓?浼氳涓婏紝鐭虫櫙灞卞尯鏀垮簻涓?綅棰嗗闂竴浣嶇綉娓稿叕鍙稿垱濮嬩汉锛氣?浠?箞鏃跺?鏉ョ煶鏅北?鎴戜滑灏嗗湴閮界粰鎮ㄧ暀濂戒簡锛屽喅瀹氭潵浜嗛┈涓婂彲浠ュ紑宸ュ缓璁俱?鈥?br />

銆??鈥滃姩婕骇涓氭槸渚濋潬浜虹殑鏅哄姏鍔冲姩锛岃?涓嶆槸澶ф満鍣ㄣ?澶у巶鎴匡紝鍔ㄦ极浜т笟涓嶈兘浠呬粎浠ュ熀鍦版柟寮忔潵鎺ㄥ姩銆傗? 鐜嬮暱鐢版寚鍑猴紝鈥滆繎浜涘勾锛屽浗瀹跺湪鎼炲姩婕熀鍦颁笂宸茬粡鎶曚簡澶ч噺璧勯噾锛屼絾鏀舵晥鐢氬井锛屽浗瀹跺簲鎶婁骇涓氭壎鎸佽祫閲戠敤浜庣洿鎺ュ鍔便?鎵舵寔銆佽ˉ璐村唴瀹瑰埗浣滃叕鍙搞?鈥?br />



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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Do not call me"

Recently, the other side of the ocean that makes the phone marketers came angry, pleased to make the voice of the American people: In order for American citizens are no longer strange marketing phone harassment, Bush said: "Do not call me" (DoNotCall) . June 27, Bush signed the Federal Trade Commission FTC launched "Do not call me" registration service, suffered deeply move telemarketing junk the United States suffered a number of telephone users. It is reported that as of July 1 morning, "Do not call" list of telephone numbers registered on a total of 12.5 million, and another 14 million phone numbers are on the list from the state's registered automatically transferred to the federal list. FTC officials expect at least the final registration number will reach 60 million. However, in the United States two million personnel by telephone to eat seats are facing the threat of unemployment.

Although the matter has been temporarily in the past, but there are still several issues have to contemplate. First, telephone marketing in the United States a little annoying, but in China it has only just begun by the people and why? Second, the future of China Call Center in the telemarketing business will come to such a situation the United States today? Third, China Call Center market to the healthy development?

We know the Call Center is not only a technical system, but also a platform for business operations, it is the company one of the channels of communication with customers, not since the first day of its existence was beginning to resist the American people, but the Call Center operations Business today can not handle the customer relationship, the abuse of client resources (phone number) of the results, it was called "digging its own grave."

Nowadays, Chinese people are beginning to experience an American public has ever seen a telephone marketing brought about by the convenience of the Call Center dedicated care for me. On the other hand, to meet the market demand for Call Center operations in China, many enterprises are now conducting a new round of Call Center construction, reconstruction and development process. In fact, more and more Chinese companies know how to protect the people of this on the Call Center of the passion, focus on customer relationship management, accurate positioning clients to avoid the misuse of client resources, to Call Center construction and operation of stable and healthy development. It is foreseeable that China Call Center market will usher in a new development opportunity.

Also, according to "AMR Research, May 2002" a report about CRM, said worldwide through the chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, financial services, transportation, automotive, high technology, telecommunications, retail and other industries survey Although changes in key priority sectors, but the traditional CRM capabilities will guide investment in 2003, CRM applications. Among them, the willingness to continue investing in the Contact Center Enterprise are: oil and natural gas 100%, car 88%, chemicals 86%, 85% of financial services, telecommunications 77%, 75% of high-tech, medical 67%, retail 62%, transport 43%. The report further revealed that to on the agenda, mainly to consider the future of CRM applications in four areas, namely, customer data analysis (84%), Contact Center (69%), marketing automation (68%) and online self-service ( 64%). Visible, Contact Center, as part of CRM, it will continue to be the industry's attention.

Indeed, many of the old system, technological innovation is a priority, but also a huge market. After years of Call Center construction and operation of some of our major industries have self-built Call Center, such as telecommunications, banking, insurance, high technology, home appliance manufacturing, electricity, postal service. The Call Center industry in the early construction of the main considerations with the functions of the Call Center, the key is to solve customer service problems, such as customer consultation, customer complaints. The Call Center systems are indeed the completion of the business operations of these industries and the expansion has contributed to, but as time goes on, the market in a competitive environment of continuous change, the customer Call Center can provide quality of service requirements more high, the service response time requirements faster, more comprehensive services required, most of which Call Center system has been difficult to adapt to changing customer needs. To this end, the original Call Center System will be faced with system expansion, technology upgrades, remote networking, resource sharing, business expansion, application customization and other issues, the technological transformation of the old Call Center System will be the telecommunications, banking and other priority sectors. In addition, demand for new market penetration in all sectors. Needless to say, like telecommunications, banking and other industrial applications successful experience in Call Center System will speed up the birth of new Call Center emergence of market demand, many small and medium scale enterprises will choose to self or outsource to the market, although the customer individual needs for its very limited, but not the low amount of new markets, cut quite a lot.

As the telephone market relatively late start, there is considerable market space, there are many studies and operating experience to be accumulated, but we should learn from, "Do not call me" (Do Not Call) learned to carry out the operations, so that CTI and call center industry better.

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